GL4121 - 06.07.2010 - Special Fees Concession for PWD in Colleges
GO01 - 21.04.2010 - Three Year Vocational Training for PWDs with Hostel
GO02 - 26.04.2010 - Tamilnadu PWDs Welfare Board Changes
GO2D1 - 14.07.2010 - Scholarship for Topper in Board Exams
GO05 - 05.08.2010 - Independence Day Award for Best Services for PWD
GO08 - 14.05.2010 - Victim Assistance Fund
GO09 - 14.05.2010 - Fund for PWDs from Chief Minister Public Relief Fund
GO10 - 01.12.2010 - Award for Welfare of PWD on World Disability Day
GO15 - 25.05.2010 - Formation of Regional Early Diagnostic Centre for HI at Tuticorin
GO16 - 28.05.2010 - Appointment of PWD Teachers
GO18 - 31.05.2010 - PWDs Bus Concession
GO20 - 04.06.2010 - Formation of DDAWO at Ariyalur District
GO21 - 04.06.2010 - Formation of DDAWO at Tirupur District
GO22 - 04.06.2010 - Fund for Food Expenses for Governemnt and Government Approved Private Schools
GO23 - 04.06.2010 - Homes for Mentally Ill (MI) Persons
GO25 - 10.06.2010 - Maintenance Grant for Severe MR
GO26 - 10.06.2010 - Maintenance Grant for Severe PWDs
GO27 - 14.06.2010 - Six Day Care Centre for Muscular Dystrophy affected Persons
GO30 - 28.06.2010 - No Special Fee for PWD Students
GO31 - 28.06.2010 - Elimination of Income Limit for receiving Goverment Benefits
GO32 - 01.07.2010 - Maintenance Grant for Muscular Dystropy
GO33 - 01.07.2010 - Self Employment Fund for PWDs
GO34 - 01.07.2010 - Compensation for Unemployed VI
GO35 - 01.07.2010 - Subsidy for Self Employment
GO37 - 09.07.2010 - CD Player Scheme for VI Students
GO38 - 12.07.2010 - Tailoring Machine with Electric Motor for HI
GO39 - 12.07.2010 - Tailoring Machine with Electric Motor for PWD
GO40 - 12.07.2010 - Wheel Chair for Persons with Multiple Disabilities
GO45 - 15.07.2010 - Special School for MR at Kattumannarkovil, Cuddalore
GO46 - 15.07.2010 - Special Training in Teaching of VI, MR & HI
GO48 - 16.07.2010 - Incentive for Special Teachers (MR Special Schools)
GO54 - 16.07.2010 - Loan to Start Self Employment for PWDs
GO55 - 20.07.2010 - Primary Training Centre for VI
GO57 - 29.07.2010 - Early Intervention Centre for HI
GO72 - 06.09.2010 - Scooters for LD
GO77 - 24.09.2010 - Buspass for PWD
GO81 - 14.10.2010 - Buspass Scheme
GO88 - 25.11.2010 - Scholarship for Differentlyabled Students for the year 2010 - 2011
GO89 - 25.11.2010 - Implementation of State Resource and Training Centre
GO90 - 29.11.2010 - Tour for PWD Students
GO91 - 30.11.2010 - Stall in Exhibitions by PWD